Sunday 26 April 2009

Sunday Thought

Why do I get the impression the youths responsible for the decor in the background will soon be put behind something similar to the foreground? LOL

Can you believe, it a few years back the local youths managed burn down the town cricket pavilion one night. Their punishment was to have a custom hut built in it's place they could decorate and no doubt use to get up to no good. Plus they got a shiny new skate park. All paid for by the council (and therefore ultimately the tax payers). The cricket team had to find a new home somewhere else. Hardly seems fair does it?

1 comment:

wunderlust said...

Oh bugger that! That's just wrong! It should have been the *youths* that were made to find a new home elsewhere, and leave the poor little cricketers alone.

What is the world coming to?

