Monday 6 April 2009

Time To Move On

So a third high profile member of Prime Minister Gordon Brown's cabinet has been accused of being less than honest regarding expenses paid over and above their generous salary.

Blackadder's Capt Darling. Not to be confused with Chancellor Alistair Darling, MP LOL.

It doesn't now matter whether these payments were within the rules or not, mud sticks and it is perceived that our politicians are "on the make," when hard working people up and down the country are losing their livelihoods and homes through no fault of their own.

Apparently it is permitted for MP's to claim second home allowances of up to approx £23,000 in the following situations:

  • When staying with at a relative or parent's house
  • Their main home is within 20 miles of Parliament
  • They have an apartment provided and paid for by the state
I don't recall many jobs in the private sector that have such generous perks. It's time for the government to clean up it's act, do away with these considerable benefits and then call a prompt general election.

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