Mince Pies. What sums up Winter and Christmas in particular better than a warm Mince Pie? Well perhaps two warm ones. I love 'em and can't get enough so it's just as well the shops are now stacked high with the things. Excellent! For any out-of-towners I'd better explain these are a sweet pie usually stuffed full to the sugar dusted crust with Sultanas, Apple, Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Orange. Or so the packet tells me.
The only downside being that if I keep on eating them I may well get large enough to don the red coat and give the Fat Man himself a run for his money during the festive period.
On another note, I forgot to mention last week I bumped into S the younger sister of A, the family friend you may recall recently discovered she has quite advanced Breast Cancer. Well she's doing OK, keeping her spirits up and trying to remain positive. She's now had two chemo treatments, with more to follow. S told me that obviously at the back of her mind is the fact my mum didn't make it in the end. I'm afraid I had to agree but pointed out mum had 13 good, Cancer free years and that we all have to be grateful for every day God has given us on this planet.
1 comment:
Those look yummy! How not fair that we don't get things like this where I live?
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