Monday 22 June 2009

Five Thoughts

In no particular order:

  • Saw my Doctor today. He doesn't think the large mole on my left arm is currently cause for concern. Phew.
  • Have just finished watching Battlestar Galactica. "All this has happened before", has been the reoccurring theme but did they really mean to borrow someone else's storyline? Refugees from a far flung solar system crash land on pre-historic Earth, all overseen by a man in a bath tub. The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy or BSG?
  • Is holding meetings an alternative to doing actual work?
  • The Red Kite used to be an endangered species in the UK but are now thriving like you would not believe. Boy, are they noisy at times but I love watching and hearing them. Kinda all part of feeling like being at home, if you get me.
  • Top Gear's mystery race driver, The Stig, has revealed his identity in the first programme of the new series. Or has he?

1 comment:

wunderlust said...

Ceramix wrote:

"The Red Kite used to be an endangered species in the UK but are now thriving like you would not believe. Boy, are they noisy at times but I love watching and hearing them. Kinda all part of feeling like being at home, if you get me."

Wunderlust replies with:

"In the Great Southern Land, the species known as the Red Kite is an odd sort of creature. The younger versions are flimsy and prone to crashing, with extraordinarily out-of-proportion components, while the older versions are a much more sturdy breed, able to withstand much battering, and have the ability to soar to great heights indeed. Their plumage is often much more pronounced, and can be seen from very far away indeed. The true sign of an older Red Kite, however, its its fine plumage and beautifully long tail...."

The Red Kite, (like the Green Kite, the Purple Kite, and all the other little Kites,) is of course - in Australia, at least - not a bird of flesh and blood, but rather one of sticks and paper, string and glue. Our Kites are just that - KITES! :-)

Soz - couldn't resist!
