Sunday, 6 April 2008

Seven in the Morning and the Phone Rings...

...And a little voice says "Wake up Daddy. It's snowing!"

Yep as promised earlier this week, just to prove we really are in British Summertime, I've been greeted by a reasonable layer of snow outside and the sound of a very excited Little Lad. You wait until I call his Grandma in hospital later- I'm going in this morning. Should I suggest we have a snowball fight, I wonder..? Mum loves the snow.

So what's happened to this Global Warming we've been told all about? LOL

Update: here's what happened next...

1 comment:

TeresaB said...

Is this what the weather man said when we lived there? "Traveling weather." i.e. snow, rain, sun shine all in one day?

Still, looks like a fun day for a snowball fight!