Saturday 11 March 2023

New Coins

The Royal Mint are issuing a number of coins in 2023 to mark noteworthy events. To this end, they have released a fold-out presentation pack featuring the new £5, £2 and 50p coins.

His Majesty King Charles III will not only receive his coronation but he will also turn 75 years old.

75 years ago our NHS, National Health Service, was formed to provide universal care for all which would be free at the point of delivery. Also in 1948 the HMT Windrush docked in the UK, bringing people from the Caribbean hoping to start a new life and contribute to the rebuilding of post-war Britain. Despite facing difficulties and racism, many would fill important roles within society, including within the newly form NHS.

The two remaining coins mark the death of author J R R Tolkien, 50 years ago, and the centenary of perhaps one of best known steam locomotives, the Flying Scotsman. This engine is the oldest working locomotive still in service on the UK's rail network dontchaknow.

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