Sunday 8 January 2012

Two Sherlocks

Some readers will know I'm a bit of a fan of Conan Doyle's most famous consulting detective. You can imagine my joy at an impromptu trip with a friend to the cinema to see Guy Richie's latest this afternoon. Added to that the BBC are currently showing the second series of Steven Moffat's modernised version on Sunday nights. Two for the price of one you might say.

I thoroughly enjoyed the big screen version even if the final destination was somewhat signposted. The spectacle of the thing and its scale was most impressive. I did however comment that the actor playing Moriarty had- to my mind- more than a striking resemblance to the former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, poor bloke.

Also I should say last week's opening episode on BBC 1- text messaging and all- kept me gripped throughout and guessing right to the closing credits. So which is better? Must I choose now..?

Warner Bros present Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr as Dr Watson and Mr Holmes, big screen style.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes and Martin Freeman as Watson in the BBC's modern Sherlock.

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