Sunday 15 January 2012

Cost Of Implants

There's been a whole lot of coverage in the media this past few weeks regarding the scandal of faulty breast implants made by the now bust (no pun intended) French company PIP. You can read more here.

The British government has said there is no evidence of a risk to health (other governments including the French have taken a somewhat different line). The UK department of health has gone on to state that since the majority of the around 40000 UK women possibly affected chose to have cosmetic surgery via private clinics, it is the responsibility of those private providers to remedy. They claim in the vast majority of cases there was no medical need to have the implants installed (sorry) fitted, therefore it is not the responsibility of the National Health Service.

Not looking quite so 'glamorous' now, are they?

I kind of get that and for the most part agree. As a tax payer, it isn't my responsibility to pay to put right what was in effect a matter of personal vanity. Except if there is a health risk, in particular cancer for example, you can bet the NHS will end up having to provide the care and support, not to mention footing the bill. Surely the cost of providing future long term health care to potentially up to 40000 women more than outweighs the cost of replacing sub-standard implants now?

Just my thought...

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