Thursday 9 June 2011


So I had to go into the attic the other day and noticed about four wasps harassing the strip light in a rather demented manner. I didn't think anything of it, merely treated them to a good dose of aerosol wasp and fly killer and left it at that.

Today there were many more and I don't think they were too happy to be honest. They're entering via gaps in the exterior wall tiles up high on the side of the house and have built themselves a cosy home between the roof tiles and insulation (I can hear them buzzing around under the insulation).

A British wasp nest in a Sussex roof space. My visitors may have constructed something similar.

The good news is the wasps won't reuse the nest next summer but I can't wait that long and I have to admit to being unsure quite how to deal with it. Answers on a postcard or back of a sealed down envelope to the usual competition address. Or you could just email your suggestions.

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