Tuesday 12 January 2010

Mister Bump

Received a call from Little Lad's mum to say he'd taken a tumble down the stairs and had quite badly banged his head. On inspection there certainly was a nice dent in the plaster board on the wall so I could imagine the force with which his head struck. Anyway I raced over this morning, after texting my boss to say I'd have to take some emergency time out, to look after him and speak with the GP. Long story short the doctor is happy enough that nothing serious has occurred: he didn't lose consciousness and hasn't been sick etc although he will probably complain of having headaches for a few days. Little Lad wasn't making too much of a fuss and seemed quite pleased to see me, so we settled down to spend some quality time doing some English and maths work.

Now I absolutely promise I had nothing to do with this but I got a text from work mid morning telling me the office was closed due to a power cut. The electricity company were on site but not expecting to have a resolution until this evening. Couldn't have planned it if I'd tried, could I? LOL

1 comment:

wunderlust said...

I hope his head's okay. That maths homework looks a lot more interesting than mine was in Grade 1! We never had coloured pictures, that's for sure. Just pages of maths problems to do. Very boring indeed.....