Friday 22 January 2010

Golden Ticket

They say in the end it's not necessarily the place or the work you miss but the people. For good or bad LOL.

So this is my last day in the office. I am the middle of three leaving over a three week period although there was no collusion, this was purely by chance. But as K- who left last Friday- said, we are each holders of Golden Tickets. I quite like that idea, next stop Willy Wonka's?

Anyway it's with mixed feelings that I'm moving on after three and a half years. While I'm looking forward to my new job and the challenges it will hold, I don't mind admitting it's not without a degree of trepidation. I have to admit my boss was really supportive when I spoke with him. Obviously he didn't want the headache of having to search for my replacement (sorry D, can't help much there) but he understood all my reasons for going. So as of Monday morning it will be on with the shirt, tie and a whole smarter working me, something I've not had to do in the current role.

Wish me luck.

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