Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Got This Problem?

I've just watched the early evening news and they showed images of some dead people.

Now I enjoy watching action films and the like, where (obviously) actors pretend to die but I have a real issue with seeing pictures of real live, sorry, dead people. I know death and murder goes on far more than maybe I choose to believe but I find it distasteful and lacking respect. Do we have to see this sort of thing with our dinner? Is it because we are no longer easily shocked that we accept such images?

Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this way..?

21 Nov 07 Muffinhead says: sometmes its the only way to drum a message across but i have a problem with it that is its showing no respect towwards the dead person.Its not like they wll be handed a permission form to sgn to allow ther faces to appear all over national tv.Then again long go are the times of respect and honour

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