Wednesday 13 July 2016

May Day

Later today in the UK our second woman Prime Minister will take office. Read here from BBC News. Expections are that Theresa May will appoint a high proportion of women to senior positions within her cabinet. Something of a milestone if it happens, we'll see.

David Cameron, the current PM, will travel to Buckingham Palace this afternoon to seek permission of the Queen to resign. Shortly afterwards Mrs May will visit the monarch and will be invited to form a government. It's a very old fashioned and outdated practice but nevertheless one of the traditions that are unique to this land and help make this country great.

Meanwhile the Labour (with a U) party are still grappling with their leadship question following the Brexit vote last month. I do however find it odd that the party that claims to champion gender equality hasn't really yet had a female leader. Mrs Thatcher was a Conservative leader, as will be Theresa May.

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