Tuesday 27 July 2010

Dear Steven Moffat*

** Warning the entry below may contain spoilers **

Sometimes there can be change for change's sake. Discuss.

  • The new version of the Doctor Who theme music and graphics are OK (although personally I could do without the lightning strikes) and the new logo, spinning DW and all, is inspired. 
  • The re-imagined Silurians are great; gone the ridiculous third eye, to be replaced with a lovely poisonous tongue mmm.
  • I can appreciate why you wanted the "retro" exterior to the TARDIS with the St. John's Ambulance symbol. It looks great, just like the stunning new interior. Although I did like the previous version, I suspect it had to go due to it not being suitable for High Definition TV..?
  • Accepted you had no choice casting a new lead and companion- David Tennant had already decided to move on and Donna Noble's story had pretty much come to a conclusion. To be honest Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are a fantastic piece of casting.  
But please can we have our old DALEKS back?

The new ones are frankly rubbish- their voices don't sound right and they sure as hell don't look right. Steven, you're currently filming the 2010 Christmas special and preparing for the next full series so now is the right time to say this: the original design DALEKS were far better. A true classic that has endured for decades.

You've "reset" the whole universe (or at least all of Time and Space) so you have a grand opportunity to welcome back the classic design DALEK, right?

*I know the Executive Producer of Doctor Who is unlikely to ever read this but I feel better now, having got it off my chest LOL.

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