Monday we went to see the new Indiana Jones film- The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. I have to say it's the first time in a long while I've had to wait in a queue for over an hour just to get into a film. I guess being a Public Holiday and the tipping rain didn't help matters.
As for the film itself I thought it was pretty good with action all the way. Obviously the action has been moved into the cold war era to allow for the fact the main actors are looking older but to be honest I felt the intervening years since The Last Crusade had vanished, while this one was playing out. The Soviets made for a nice foe to replace the Nazis but perhaps more could have been made of the cold war reds-in-the-bed paranoia those of us too young to remember it have heard so much about? And what of that iconic series logo, where did it go?
Fans of The X-Files, who are looking forward to that new film, should enjoy Indy 4 LOL.