Monday, 9 July 2007

Die Hard

Went to see Die Hard 4.0 at the weekend.

I guess the best way to sum it would be if you could imagine a Die Hard Greatest Hits compilation cd, that would be fairly close: All the best bits you remember without the bum single that only managed to scrape number 40 in the charts so to speak.

Action more or less from the very first moment through to the end and every set-piece action moment swiftly followed by a quip from one of the stars, most often Willis as you might expect. The man himself seemed to me to be on good form, with the ocassional acknowledgement of the passing of the years since the last outing. The plot was strong enough to hold my attention (as did the explosions), mirroring current themes and concerns.

My only concern being that it makes enough money in the box office to convince the studio to flog the franchaise beyond it's sell by date. Other wise full marks from me.

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