Tuesday, 27 December 2022


Just before the Christmas break, the Bank of England released this image of our new "paper" currency (Polymer really), bearing the image of our King. 

These will come into general circulation in 2024 alongside the existing Queen Elizabeth II Notes, which will be gradually phased out. Per convention these will be legal across the UK (and wider British Isles) but Northern Irish and Scottish banks for example, will be free to issue their own versions. Their Notes may well look considerably different and if the current situation is anything to go by likely to cause difficulties for anyone using them in Wales or England. We don't like to make things too easy for visitors, do we LOL?

Sunday, 25 December 2022


Even dogs deserve Mince Pies at Christmas LOL.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022


Thank goodness (in the Northern hemisphere) the shortest day has finally arrived. 

It's been far too dark in the mornings and I really don't enjoy the fact it has been getting dark around 4 in the afternoon. At least from now on, moment by moment, we can look forward to the days becoming longer.

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Self-Preservation Society

Christmas wouldn't be the same without a screening of this classic. All together now:" I only said to blow..." 

Friday, 16 December 2022

It's (Nearly) Christmas

Best wishes for the festive season to everyone in the interweb.

(If I've posted this one before, assume I'm doing my bit for the planet by recycling LOL)

Friday, 9 December 2022

Baby It's Cold Outside

Yep, winter has arrived!

Data from the Met Office app.

Tuesday, 6 December 2022


In time for the festive season, the local knitters have been busy again decorating post boxes...

Saturday, 3 December 2022


Sausage, bacon and cheddar cheese sarnies: what's not to like LOL?

Wednesday, 30 November 2022


Movie night out with my 18 year old ym. Great film, with lots of set piece action while still allowing a sensitive and fitting send off for the star of the first. Brilliant evening.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022


Took a trip to Woking in Surrey to play tourist. There's not much going on except this permanent tribute to HG Wells, creator of the ultimate invasion story LOL.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Out With The Old

Or at the very least a change is coming...

Friday, 11 November 2022

11th November

Remembrance day.

Image from the Tower of London a few years ago.

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Coins Fit For A King

Today the postman (I can definitely confirm they were not a postwoman, I spoke to them at the door) delivered two wonderful new coins; the first to bare the image of our King, Charles III. Fittingly both the 50 pence and 5 Pound coin pay tribute to his mother, our late monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Trully historic times in the world of coins. These are both un-circulated regular cupro-nickel pressings, I couldn't stretch to the limited edition silver versions, but don't they look lovely?

Monday, 31 October 2022

Be Afraid

Be especially cautious if this young lady answers the door tonight LOL.

Thursday, 27 October 2022


Just look what my son spotted today on his way home from Uni.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Today Rishi Sunak, MP will assume the office of British Prime Minister. No big deal perhaps unless it is remembered he will be our third to do so since September. Not only that, he is the youngest PM since the 1800's and our first Hindu.

Oh and he is famous for being a massive Star Wars fan.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Fond Farewell

Today I took my son to Prospect Park for a farewell visit to Carter's Steam Fair. Their touring days come to an end this Autumn.

Owner Joby Carter is currently seeking a buyer, who will offer the fair a permanent home. Berkshire based Carter's has been, with the exception of the Covid period, a constant touring attraction in the south of England for many years. Unfortunately the costs of  upkeep of the historic stock has meant continuing as a touring fair is now untenable. 

Thank you to a lovely local attraction; you'll be greatly missed.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022


This month the British Broadcasting Corporation, or BBC, or, The Beeb or indeed Auntie is celebrating 100 years. To mark this occasion the Royal Mint have issued a limited edition 50p coin, featuring a broadcast antenna, transmitting to the World. Although only released now, these  coins were struck a good few weeks ago, naturally then, they feature Her Majesty. These are still legal tender, in case there was any doubt. It may be a good few years before coins depicting the Queen are taken out of official circulation.

Anyway, here is my own limited edition Silver Proof version, with a maximum mintage of 3510. Enjoy the shiny LOL!

Saturday, 8 October 2022


Bit of a blast from the past, of my misspent younger years at least LOL. Cheers!

Saturday, 1 October 2022


Last night's gig with Moments of Pleasure: the Music of Kate Bush. Awesome as always. The venue- now known as The Acoustic Lounge- used to Ocean's Nightclub, Bracknell back in the day. It's "nice" to see the 60/70's style moulded concrete ceiling still in evidence. Kind of takes me back LOL.

Great night out with the hits of Kate Bush.

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Symonds Cider Press

What could be better after- what has turned out to be- a particularly pleasant and warm Autumn weekend Cheers? Cheers everyone!

Friday, 23 September 2022

Monday, 19 September 2022


A very long and sad day, especially the moment the symbols of Monarchy were removed from the coffin and Queen Elizabeth II entered into history. Watch on the BBC.

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Uni Life

While the UK and Commonwealth countries have apparently come to a near stop to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, it is worth remembering that day to day life continues. 

This coming week, although postponed by a day due to The Funeral, my son will start university. I'm so incredibly proud of everything he has achieved to date and the potential he has to do even greater things in the coming years. I've told him he has to succeed otherwise who will look after me and his mum in our old age? No pressure then LOL.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Standing Vigil

Her Majesty's four children have tonight completed their public standing vigil in Westminster Hall.