Saturday, 2 February 2008

Groundhog Day!

So what was I just saying about Spring being round the next corner? It was -2 degrees Celsius (about 28 F) when I stepped outside at 7.45 this morning, with thick ice on my car as well. Brrrr!

What exactly was I doing out on a Saturday at that hour? Well apart from being my contact day with Little Lad, we do swim lessons at 8.30 each week. At his level it's a small group of around 6 kids, with a parent in the water with their young 'un, plus the tutor. We both love it and it's a great time for us to have fun, while he learns some vital skills. He's been doing this since he was about 6 months believe it or not, so confidence in the water is high. These days he can jump in from the side and swim unassisted to me in the centre of the pool, without arm bands and then swim on to the other side. He then turns, kicks off, swims back to me in the centre and on to the other side. Considering he only turned four the other weekend, that's pretty good. Can you tell I'm proud of his ability in the water? I have no doubt if ever he fell in, he'd know what to do to get to safety.

Afterwards it's breakfast and then playtime. We do some drawing or painting and then go out for a walk, often with the intention of feeding the ducks, swans and geese.

Of late he's chosen to invite my parents along as well, which is really nice for all of us. There's a small lake near us that is very well populated with foul. You know the usual mix of Mute Swans, Canada Geese and Mallards but also this pair. About 10-15 years ago a pair of Egyptian Geese where introduced to one of the local lakes. Breeding pairs can now be found at several lakes in this area. This pair seem a little confused though. You see to their left the brown and white spec? Think it's a little early for babies and (sadly) I'm not surprised there's only one. They often seem to produce between 4 and 6, I guess the others didn't make it. Either way Little Lad loved seeing them and throwing some bread. Good fun had by all, I think.

I've just read that Punxsutawney Phil ( has proclaimed another 6 weeks of Winter. Thinking back to first thing this morning, it sure feels like that might be the case. Anyway Happy Groundhog Day everyone!

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