Sunday, 10 February 2008

Brrrrr- It's Cold LOL

Should have posted this yesterday but, well you know how it is...

Who in their right mind goes out before 8 on a Saturday morning in February? LOL

The temperature was a cool -2 degrees Celsius according to the display in my car, when I had started the engine and finally removed the thick layer of ice.

At least my ever expanding belly (it's not that big, honest) kept me warm. Fish and Chips twice from the Chippy this week, Pancakes (cos I'm oh so religious LOL) and a never ending supply of chocolates is helping to pad me out. OK so maybe the latter should have been given up for Lent, I guess it's not too late to start. The question is do I have the will power? Let me munch on a few Quality Street while I think on that...

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